What Foundations Have Helped With Justice For Juveniles? 

Foundations and organizations that focus on justice for juveniles work to address issues related to the juvenile justice system, advocate for the rights of young people, and support initiatives aimed at juvenile justice reform. Here are some notable foundations and organizations that help with justice for juveniles:

1. **The Campaign for Youth Justice:** This organization advocates for the reform of the juvenile justice system and the end of the practice of trying and sentencing young people as adults.

2. **The Annie E. Casey Foundation:** This foundation works to improve the well-being of children, and it has a focus on reforming the juvenile justice system to be more fair, effective, and equitable.

3. **Juvenile Law Center:** The Juvenile Law Center is a public interest law firm that advocates for the rights, dignity, equity, and opportunity for youth in the child welfare and justice systems.

4. **Youth First Initiative:** This organization advocates for the closure of youth prisons and the redirection of resources to more effective community-based alternatives for young people.

5. **National Juvenile Justice Network:** NJJN is a network of organizations and advocates working to promote fair, equitable, and effective juvenile justice policies and practices.

6. **The W. Haywood Burns Institute:** This institute works to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in the juvenile justice system and promote community-based alternatives to incarceration.

7. **The MacArthur Foundation:** The foundation’s Models for Change initiative supported juvenile justice reform efforts in various states, emphasizing evidence-based practices and fair and equitable treatment.

8. **The Youth Sentencing and Reentry Project:** YSRP advocates for the rights of youth prosecuted as adults and supports their successful reentry into the community after incarceration.

9. **The Center on Youth Registration Reform:** This center focuses on reforming policies related to the registration and monitoring of youth who have committed sexual offenses.

10. **The National Center for Youth Law:** NCYL works to transform the public agencies responsible for protecting the well-being of children into proactive leaders in promoting justice for youth.

These foundations and organizations are dedicated to promoting juvenile justice reform, ensuring the rights of young people in the justice system, and providing support for alternatives to youth incarceration. They work to create a fair, equitable, and rehabilitative juvenile justice system. Check out www.thegrantportal.com for grant sources.