What are the Different Types of Bridging Visa?

There are five different types of Bridging Visas with working rights, each with different entitlements attached to them. Thus, their functionalities are also quite different. Sometimes, the circumstances of your migration will deliberately affect the kind of Bridging Visa you will possess.

  • (BVA) Bridging Visa A 

A Bridging Visa A (BVA) enables you to stay legally in Australia even after the current substantive Visa expires. While you await your substantive Visa application for processing, you can continue your stay with this Bridging Visa.

You will be granted a Bridging Visa A only if you apply for a substantive Visa while using the current Visa. But if you ever leave the country while using a Bridging Visa, the BVA will not allow you to return to Australia.

  • (BVB) Bridging Visa B 

The temporary Bridging Visa B (BVB) allows you to return and depart to Australia while you await the approval for your substantive Visa application. The Bridging Visa B will also enable you to enjoy your stay in the country while your substantive Visa is processed.

  • (BVC) Bridging Visa C 

The Bridging Visa C (BVC) is also a temporary Visa specified for the non-Australians who wish to apply for a valid substantive Visa application. However, this Visa might be applicable to all those who have stayed in Australia and look forward to making their stay lawful. But you will certainly not have travelling rights while holding a Bridging Visa C. If you leave Australia for any reason, you will not have the licence to return.

  • (BVD) Bridging Visa D 

(BVD) A Bridging Visa D will ensure your stay in Australia even if the substantive Visa expired. However, you will be allowed to stay only for an extremely short period. You can easily submit a new application for a substantive Visa or prepare to leave Australia during this time. But you can also choose to stay in the country and wait for your Bridging Visa E to be granted. Please note that a BVD will not allow you to work in Australia or return if you depart once.

  • (BVE) Bridging Visa E 

Lastly, the BVE lets you stay in Australia legally even if the substantive Visa expires. You can also stay in the country with this Visa while you await an immigration decision. Meanwhile, you can also prepare to leave Australia or finalise all your immigration concerns. But once you leave Australia, you cannot re-enter the country.

If you are a student and wish to study in Australia, it’s imperative to become familiar with the Bridging Visas. But if you have more queries regarding the same, you can get in touch with the best Bridging Visa lawyer in Perth.